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Guild Guidelines
In order to form a more
perfect union....DOH...the following was penned by our very own Quix. All should
take a moment and reflect on who we are (we know we are lost - Fukawi), and how
we represent ourselves to others in game. - Niunn Bearstorm (Guild Leader and
wayward Druid)
Secret Order of
the Phoenix Guidelines
8/11/2002 (as penned by
Quix Unmitahzredit)
We are all
Be nice to people. The
guild has its own reputation to keep and you are our ambassador. You can be
ejected from the guild if you are caught being antisocial by
killstealing, campstealing,
intentionally training people etc. Also, 'Roleplaying'
an evil character does not give you carte blanche to engage in such behavior
just because you're 'evil'. Keep in mind that it is almost impossible to
retract something said or done in the game that you may regret later.
Profanity is frowned upon.
Again we have to represent our guild in the best possible way and there are
people of all types of backgrounds traveling the world of
Norrath, Luclin, and any other exotic
places Verant cares to throw at us.
All members should strive for
the following qualities (MISPTT for short):
Maturity - friendship
is a bond that grows strongest with maturity and impulsive or rash behavior
only leads to rifts.
Intelligence - we do
NOT expect that a new member will know everything there is to know about
Norrath; we DO expect that such a person will be
hungry to learn as much as they can, about as many aspects of
Norrath as they can.
Sense of humor - in
the end we are here for fun, and sometimes when things aren’t going ideally,
it’s a sense of humor that keeps us together.
Patience –
with each other and those outside of the guild.
Tolerance -
of others and those inside the guild.
Trust - of
your fellow guild members.
Your guild tag should be
visible whenever possible. Going /anon hides your tag, and there are both good
(and heaven forbid nefarious) reasons to hide your guild. You can use /roleplay
to hide your class/level (and role playing is strongly encouraged!). Just
remember just because you are anonymous people can still find out your
affiliation by targeting you and doing a /guildstatus.
For example, I sometimes go anonymous when I set myself up as a bazaar vendor;
otherwise people in the guild may think I am at the computer when I am
actually away.
Don't beg for stuff.
Requests for people to give you money, items,
powerlevelling or other twinking are
frowned upon. It's ok to offer people money, equipment, etc, but it is up to
the giver, not the potential receiver.
Power Leveling: We are not a power-leveling
guild. We recognize the advantages of learning how to play your character and
how to play the game. In addition to the consequences to the players' growth,
power-leveling imposes a burden on the one helping. We do not wish to foster
this type of expectation within our guild. As such, begging a higher-level
guild member to be power-leveled will be frowned upon. Additionally, we cannot
have members of our guild hiring strangers to power-level them. This reflects
poorly on the guild in the same way begging does: hardly the actions of a
Phoenixer. We encourage
grouping with your guildmates. Additionally, we
may occasionally have guild hunts; where a higher level guild member will
buff, heal and pull for a group of guild members. These forms of grouping
promote the sense of family we endeavor to impart, and pose little danger to
the growth of the player. We expect any guild member with the means to
power-level their own characters, or the characters of others, to maintain a
healthy understanding of the risks involved in power-levelling
a character. These same expectations apply to twinking
- defined as outfitting characters beyond their means.
Don't treat
rezzers/porters/buffers like a hospitality
service. Requests for things like ports and binds and such in
guildchat are ok, but if no one responds, please
take that to mean no one is available and <gasp> maybe try to buy one from a
passerby in your zone. Don't spam guildchat about
it. Asking for these services too much is pretty much the same as begging. In
particular, if you need a port to a raid or other guild event, all
accommodations will be reasonably provided.
Group with and help your Guildmates whenever
possible: The camaraderie and safety found in your own family is innumerable
even in death. I would seek out a Guildmate or
Guild hunt before grouping with non-Guildmates. We
have some of the best people in Norrath, what
better way to get to know them than to group with them.
Help your
guildmates. If someone asks for help in
guildchat, for a messy
corpse retrieval or for quest help for example, try to come to their aid if at
all possible. It is also better to plan any quests or events ahead of time to
give people notice. What goes around comes around - when you need your corpse
pulled out of a lava flow people will remember if you helped them before.
Conversely, if people can't come that minute, don't take it personally and try
to respect their time - they are here to play too.
Learn to be a powerful asset: Learn
Norrath, look at maps, do quests, research things,
group with Guildmates, ask
questions. The best way to learn is to ask, if someone does not know we could
probably point you to somewhere to find the information. After awhile you will
be able to share this knowledge. There are some things that we will not be
able to teach you, and that is playing/learning your character with its
limitations and weaknesses. You do not know how important this is until you
get in your 20s and someone in the group does not know how to auto-split,
pull, park, or even use groupsay.
Do not use Guild Chat to air any disagreements
you may have with other members - keep these issues strictly to Tells.
Involve Officers when appropriate:
I think if people are courteous and respectful, disputes with other people
inside guild, with other guilds, and other people should be a rare occurrence.
As such, I won’t go into this in any more detail.
If you get something you
don't need, consider giving it to the guild (or at least selling it to a
guildmate at a reduced rate). If you get a nice
item that your class can't use, what is better - making a small pile of plat,
or helping a guildmate who could use the item?
Our guild is based on camaraderie of family and
friends and in a nutshell, to have fun. There are other guilds out there who
wish to invite everybody and anybody into their fold. We are simply not one of
those guilds. As such, membership can only be granted to a potential member
after being sponsored by a member in good standing and with the support of at
least 3 guild officers. People should realize that people have friends and
family that simply won’t work out with the guild and not take it as a personal
affront that they do not work out for our guild. Personally, I have a RL friend
on the Rathe that I hang out with, but would never
consider having him join the guild; I just know that he wouldn’t work out.
All new members have a probationary period of at
minimum of one month. This time is dependant on how frequent the person is
online as a guild member. At this time, the only limitations that a probationary
member suffers at this time is that they cannot sponsor a potential candidate or
may be required to leave the guild if 3 or more guild officers consider a
member’s conduct to not be a proper fit for the guild without the need for prior
warnings or by first placing the member on suspension. Since recruitment is
based on family/friend relationships that occur in real life and in-game,
dismissing such a person from the guild can be straining. We all have to realize
that people behave differently and although you are a welcome addition to the
guild, your friend or family member may not work out. One possible and
non-drastic solution for you to keep in touch with a friend that is not a
Phoenixer would be to set up a personal chat channel
that you use the /autojoin command to always be
part of.
In closing, just as we support each other in game
play and fun, we also strongly support people to fulfill their real life
obligations. I just thought it important that we are all abundantly clear of the
big picture.