The following are recipe books you can buy or find rated by their
- Rohand's Edibles. Rating: Three
Stars. The book's recipes are simple but unless you already hunt a lot of
sharks or Alligators, or you have a pot, they aren't that great. But I
LIKE how simple they are, There is no requirement for the first two for
any of the baking specific ingredients like frosting or Jug Of Sauces.
(Submitted by Tothis)
- Rohand's Sea Treats. Rating: Four
stars baby! One of the easy beginner recipes is in here, as well as Fish
Rolls. Excellent! (Submitted by Tothis)
- Mixxies Delicacies Vol I. Rating: Four
Stars baby! The other great beginner's book. Arguably better than Rohand's
Sea treats, but this book is only more useful if you LIKE edible goo or
are willing to waste bread on attempted sandwiches. (Submitted by Tothis)
- Mixxies Delicacies Vol II. Rating: One
Star. Lion Meat and mammoth meat are not exactly things you pick up at
local grocer in most cases. I know I've never seen them in Felwithe.
Ditto with gator. Rabbits I think you only get via Foraging. Too
specific to be a big help. If you live near one of these creatures and
have a ready supply this might be your book. (Submitted by Tothis)
- Sorrin's Treats on the Go. Rating: Two
Stars. A bit more useful than Mixxies. (Submitted by Tothis)
- Binlin's Quick Treats. Rating. Two
Stars. At over a gold each, there's no way I'm wasting a skewer on RAT
meat. Woolie Spider Crunchies are really about the only redeeming feature
of this book... OK. beer braised rat may be a good Starter recipe.
(Submitted by Arrok and Tothis)
- Binelen's Succulence. Rating: Three
Stars. ( This should be the book to buy if you live in a meat heavy area.
Wolf and Bear esp. The recipes are of easy/moderate difficulty and that
makes this a very usefull little book! Buy this one after Mixxies Vol I
and Rohand's Sea Treats. (Submitted by Arrok and Tothis)
- Ghumin’ Classical Dishes. Rating:
NEGATIVE Five Stars. (If the first one was bad, this one is worse. OK. So
the bit about Smoked Wood elf IS kinda funny in a rather gruesome way...
"Find Wood Elf Tree. Set fire to it." (Submitted by Hugo and Tothis)
- Ghumin’ Delights. Rating: ZERO stars.
(This books is wrong. bad. Nasty. Unless you are: A) An Ogre or Troll
OR B) You want your Drow to emphasise his feelings of racial superiority
by handing out strips of Elven veal outside Felwithe. Also, I wonder if
you loose faction with the Eaten race. (Submitted by Hugo and Tothis)
- Xetica’s Hot Pies. Rating: Three
Stars. Bixie crunchies may be useful if they live near you and the other
recipes are good for the advanced baker. (Submitted by Hugo and Tothis)
- Xetica’s Favored Flavors. Two Stars.
(The vegetable stew is the only universally usefull thing and that needs a
pot). (Submitted by Hugo and Tothis)
- Vaashar’s Sweet Revenge. Three Stars.
OK. I usually rate my books off of how directly usefull they are and easy
to get the materials for. But this book has a lot of good stuff for the
advanced Baker. Yeah you need Pie tins and stuff, but the recipes
themselves are something I'd actually make. If they sold dough anywhere on
my continent... so call it 4 stars if you are getting good at baking.
(Submitted by Hugo and Tothis)
- Vaashar’s Sweet Treats. Rating 3
stars. The batwing crunchies recipe alone makes this a standard!
(Submitted by Hugo and Tothis)
The following are recipes used to make various food items in Everquest.
Enjoy your meal. (See the books above for the person who submitted the
- Batwing Crunchies = batwing + frosting
(In Vashar's Sweet Treats)
- Bear Sandwich = Bear meat + Bread.
(In Sorrin's Treats on the go)
- Bear Steaks = Bear meat + Spices + Jug
'O Sauces. (In Binlin's Succulence)
- Beer Braised Bear = Bear meat + Spices
+ Tall beer. (In Binlin's Succulence)
- Beer Braised Gator = Gator Meat +
Spices + Short Beer (In Vashar's Sweet Treats)
- Beer Braised Lion
= Lion meat + Spices + Short Beer (In Mixxies Vol 2)
- Beer Braised Mammoth
= Mammoth Meat + Spices + 2 Tall beers (In Xectica's Favored
- Beer Braised Rat
= Rat meat + Spices + Short beer. (In Binlin's Quick Treats)
- Beer Braised Wolf
= Wolf meat + Spices + Short beer. (In Binlin's Succulence)
- Beetle Eye Pie =
Flame Beetle Eye + Clump of dough + spices + 1 Pie tin. (In Binlin's
Quick Treats)
- Berry Pie =
Clump of Dough + Berries + 1 Pie Tins (In Vashar's Sweet Revenge)
- Birthday Cake = 1 clump of dough + 1
frosting + 1 cake round + 1 winter chocolate
- Bixie Crunchies
= Bixie Parts + Frosting (In Xectica's Hot Pie)
- Blackened Tier’Dal
= Dark Elf + Spices + Garnish (In Ghummim's Delight)
- Bread = Clump of dough + Bread Tin
(NOTE: you don't get the tin back)
- Candied spider legs = spider legs +
frosting + Spices. (In Mixxies Vol 1)
- Chocolate cookies = Clump of dough +
spices + frosting + winter chocolate (on tattered note)
- Chocolate muffin = Clump of dough +
fruit + winter chocolate + Muffin tin (on tattered note)
- Clump of dough = a cup of flour + a
snake egg + a bottle of milk (combined in a mixing bowl).
- Cookies = Clump o' Dough + Spices +
Frosting (+ COOKIE CUTTER) (In Xectica's Hot Pie)
- Cupcakes = Clump of Dough + Spices +
Frosting + 1 Muffin Tin (In Vashar's Sweet Revenge)
- Dwarf Chops = Dwarf Meat + Spices +
Garnish (In Ghummim's Delight)
- Edible Goo = rat ears + fire beetle
eye (In Mixxies Vol 1)
- Elven Veal = High Elf Meat + Spices +
Garnish (In Ghummim's Delight)
- Fish Fillets = fish + Jug of Sauce.
(In Rohand's Sea Treats)
- Fish Head Soup = Fish + Jug of Sauce +
Water. In a POT. (In Rohand's Edibles)
- Fishrolls = batwings + fish (In
Rohand's Sea Treats)
- Fruit Pie = Clump of Dough + Fruit + 1
Pie Tin (In Xectica's Hot Pie)
- Gator Rolls =
fish + wasp wing
- Gator Steaks = Alligator Meat + Spices
+ Jug of Sauces (In Xectica's Favored Flavors)
- Gator Strips = Aligator meat + wasp
wings. (In Rohand's Edibles)
- Gnome Kabobs = Gnome Meat + Spices +
Jug of Sauces + Skewers
- Hot’n Spicy Toelings = Halfing +
Spices + Garnish (In Ghummim's Classical Dishes)
- Lion Steaks = Lion Meat + Spices + Jug
of Sauce (In Mixxies Vol 1)
- Lizard on a Stick = Lizard Meat +
Spices + Jug of Sauces + Skewers (In Vashar's Sweet Treats)
- Mammoth Sandwich = Mammoth meat +
Bread. (In Sorrin's Treats on the go)
- Mammoth Steaks = Mammoth meat + Spices
+ Jug of Sauces. (In Mixxies Vol 2)
- Meat Pie = Clump of Dough + Chunk of
Meat + 1 Pie Tin (In Vashar's Sweet Revenge)
- Muffins = Clump of Dough + Fruit. In a
MUFFIN TIN. (In Sorrin's Treats on the go)
- Pickled Froglok = Froglok + vinegar +
1 Jug of Sauce (In Vashar's Sweet Treats)
- Pickled Gator = Aligator meat +
Vinegar + Jug of Sauce (In Mixxies Vol 2)
- Pickled Lizard = Lizard Meat + Vinegar
+ 1 Jug of Sauce (In Xectica's Favored Flavors)
- Pickled Troll = Troll Meat + Vineger +
Jug of Sauce
- Pound Cake = Berrie Pie, Spices, Clump
of dough (no cake round)
- Rabbit Stew = Rabbit + Flask of Water.
In a POT.
- Rat Ear Pie = Clump of Dough + rat
Ears + 1 Pie Tin (In Xectica's Hot Pie)
OR Giant Rat Ears + Baking Spirits + Cup of
Four in a mixing bowl, then bake result in an oven.
- Rat ear
sandwiches = 1 Rat Ear + 1 Jug of Sauce + 1 Bread
- Rat Kabobs = Rat
meat + Spices + Jug 'O Sauces + Skewers. (In Binlin's Quick Treats)
- Rat Sandwich = Rat Meat + Bread (In
Mixxies Vol 1)
- Shark Fillets = Shark Meat + Spices +
Jug of Sauce. (In Rohand's Sea Treats)
- Shark Rolls = Shark Meat + batwings.
(In Rohand's Edibles)
- Smoked Shark = Shark Meat + Spices. In
a SMOKER. (In Rohand's Sea Treats)
- Smoked Wood Elf = Wood Elf Parts +
Spices + Smoker (In Ghummim's Classical Dishes)
- Vegetable Pie = Clump of Dough +
Vegetables + 1 Pie Tin (In Vashar's Sweet Revenge)
- Vegetable Soup = Vegatables + Jug of
Sauce + Flask of Water + 1 POT. (In Xectica's Favored Flavors)
- Wedding Cake = 1 White Chocolate + 1
Clump of Dough + 1 Frosting + 1 Cake Round combined in an Oven (put whole
cake in oven to slice)
- White Chocolate = 2 frostings, brownie
parts, and spices
- Winter chocolate = 2 frostings +
Brownie parts + mixing bowl (on tattered note)
- Wolf Sandwich = Wolf meat + Bread.
(In Sorren's Treats on the go)
- Wolf Steaks = Wolf meat + Spices + Jug
'O Sauces. (In Binlin's Succulence)
- Woolly Spider Crunchies = Woolly
Spider Legs + Frosting. (In Binlin's Quick Treats)